Want to THRIVE in your career, business, and personal life with ease?

So you can...

  • TIME

    Have flexibility with your time to thrive in your career/business so you can stay connected to your family and friends.



    This is for you if you are...

    • A high-performing woman who wants flexibility with your time to thrive in your career/business, so you can stay connected to your family and friends.

    • Trapped in your job or tied down to your business, so you do not have the freedom to explore your hobbies and opportunities for generational legacy.

    Let's be honest with ourselves...

    You wouldn't have clicked on this link, if you weren't at least curious....

    So which one of these women are you?

    • You are overwhelmed with your career and your business...trying to figure out your next move.

    • You love your career and your business...but it is eating up your time away from your family and friends.

    Tiffany Ford|CEO

    "No matter how professional you maybe, no matter how successful you think you are, there is always someone who can pour into you, that can give you more, that can help push you a little farther than where you are, and help you obtain some goals and dreams. I found that someone in Grace"

    What we'll cover in this course...



      Deep-dive in the action-based framework to thrive in your career, business, and personal life with ease + Signature LIVE2THRIVE™ coursebook!

    • Custom-tailored action plan


      Create an action plan tailored to your needs that you can use immediately to thrive in your career, business, and personal life!


    What our clients say...

    Khalia Mounsey

    Program Manager

    "I was able to build a personal plan for managing stress tailored to my needs. Living a healthy lifestyle is important to me, but not always easy to prioritize with a career and three little kids. But keeping to my goals gives me a sense of accomplishment, exercising gives me energy, and makes me feel great! ​I now make more time for exercise with friends!"

    Latika Vines

    Founder of Visionary Initiatives LLC

    "I appreciate the reminder to declutter. I decluttered my Facebook account and my basement. I found that I don't have so much noise when I log into FB and I have space in my basement just to live in. Less noise helped me think better and to be focused on what my intentions are. It helped decrease distractions which keeps you from what you need to do. Before, I felt I couldn't concentrate, because things were getting in my way and distracting me."

    Grace Onuegbu


    • Motivation Booster Assessment


    • Custom-tailored action plan

    Here are the receipts!

    Support and Accountability 

    Will help you reach next level without wasting time and added frustration!

    Ready to THRIVE!

    All you gotta do sis and click on the button below to get started....

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